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Enrollment & Admissions

Enrollment Projections

Source: ASU

Enrollment Projection

Source: ASU


Source: ASU

<h3>Incoming Freshmen by State - Top 10<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><span style="float:right; display: inline-block;"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o popup" aria-hidden="true" fa-4x><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><span class="popupWindow">ASU has 9,838 first-time, full-time freshmen enter in Fall 2016 from the United States. The top 10 home residences for those students were:<ul><li>Arizona: 7,065</li><li>California: 1,324</li><li>Texas: 294</li><li>Illinois: 285</li><li>Washington: 215</li><li>Colorado: 172</li><li>Pennsylvania: 136</li><li>Nevada: 121</li><li>Minnestota: 114</li><li>New York: 112</li></ul> </span></span></i></h3>

Source: ASU

Undergraduate Enrollment

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Undergraduate Enrollment Peers

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Online Undergraduate Enrollment

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Graduate Enrollment

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Graduate Enrollment Peers

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Total Enrollment

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Total Enrollment Peers

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project