jQuery(function($){ $('.logo_container a').attr('href','http://azregents.edu'); });


<h3>Revenues<span style="float:right; display: inline-block;"><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o popup" aria-hidden="true" fa-4x><span class="popupWindow">As UA’s revenues increase, the bottom graph shows the sources of those revenues. UA forecasts that its revenue sources will remain largely consistent over time with only minor changes.</span></i></h3>

Source: UA

Gross Tuition by Type of Student

Source: UA

<h3>Auxiliary<span style="float:right; display: inline-block;"><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o popup" aria-hidden="true" fa-4x><span class="popupWindow"><p>Auxiliary activities operate independent from the university operating budget and are often self-supporting. Transfers occur between the university operating budget and auxiliary budgets. Transfers to the university operating budget generally are for the plant fund for capital improvements. </p></span></i></h3>

Source: UA

Foundation Net Assets

Source: UA