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Retention, Graduation Rates & Degrees

Freshman Retention Metric

Distributions by gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity below reflect the total for the actual years shown.
Select a specific year by clicking a red bar to see the distribution of gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity for that year.

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Freshman Retention Peer Data

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Undergraduate Degrees Awarded

Distributions by gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity below reflect the total for the actual years shown.
Select a specific year by clicking a red bar to see the distribution of gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity for that year.

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Undergraduate Degrees Awarded Peers

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Graduate Degrees Awarded

Distributions by gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity below reflect the total for the actual years shown.
Select a specific year by clicking a red bar to see the distribution of gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity for that year.

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Graduate Degrees Awarded Peers

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Online Degrees Awarded

Distributions by gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity below reflect the total for the actual years shown.
Select a specific year by clicking a red bar to see the distribution of gender, Pell and ethnicity for that year.

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Six-Year Graduation Rate

Distributions by gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity below reflect the total for the actual years shown.
Select a specific year by clicking a red bar to see the distribution of gender, origin, Pell and ethnicity for that year.

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Six-Year Graduation Rate Peers Data

Source: ABOR Business Intelligence Project

Success and Progress Rate

Source: ASU